• On the axis of individual differences, we carry out scientific studies for our students to be raised as happy and self-confident individuals who can express their emotions effectively and communicate adequately.

    Counseling Program

    Counseling Program

    We closely follow our students’ characteristics, development, friendship relations, and academic work. They work to develop their emotional and information management skills, verbal – nonverbal communication, logical thinking, patience, self-discipline, empathy, impulse control, problem-solving, and anger management.

    Second Step Program

    Step 2 Program

    With the "Social-Emotional Learning Programs" developed by the Committee for Children and included in our curriculum, we strengthen our students' social skills, empathy, impulse control, problem-solving, and management skills. We carry out the practices together with our classroom teachers and our guidance counselors.

    Cas Tests – Pass Training

    Cas Tests – Pass Training

    Our guidance counselors, who are trained in CAS and PASS applications, apply studies that evaluate the cognitive functions, planning, attention, learning skills, concurrent and consecutive cognitive processes of individuals between the ages of five and seventeen.

    Mindfulness Studies

    Mindfulness Studies

    We conduct “mindfulness” awareness activities on certain days of the week and in the morning hours to gain the ability to focus on emotions, thoughts, and events.

    School – Parent – Teacher Communication

    School – Parent – Teacher Communication

    Our guidance counselors, who believe in the power of this triangle, follow our students closely, prepare reports according to the principle of confidentiality, revealing the emotional, academic, and social developments of our students. These studies are shared with their parents and teachers in order to contribute to the development of students.



    We bring parents together with expert counselors and organize group workshops and seminars.